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[해외논문] Parents' Evaluation of an Educational Psychology Service

Educational psychology in practice, v.16 no.3, 2000년, pp.361 - 371  

Cuckle, Pat ,  Bamford, Judi


An evaluation of parents' views of an Educational Psychology Service was carried out using a questionnaire survey and follow-up telephone interviews. The most satisfaction was expressed for the pre-school, early years services and child guidance support where a statement was not involved. Parents found it helpful to learn alternative ways to interpret behaviour from understanding professionals. They were less satisfied with statutory assessments of their older children already attending school. The main sources of dissatisfaction were the lack of communication with and involvement of parents in the course of the assessments, the length of time it took to decide on an assessment and the time taken to collect the relevant reports to draw up a statement. Implications for practice are discussed.

참고문헌 (8)

  1. Cuckle, Pat. Children Learning to Read - exploring home and school relationships. British educational research journal, vol.22, no.1, 17-32.

  2. Excellence for all children. Meeting Special Educational Needs DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION AND EMPLOYMENT 1997 

  3. Hannon, Peter. Rhetoric and Research in Family Literacy. British educational research journal, vol.26, no.1, 121-138.

  4. Hannon, Peter, Weinberger, Jo, Nutbrown, Cathy. A study of work with parents to promote early literacy development. Research papers in education, vol.6, no.2, 77-97.

  5. HEWISON, JENNY, TIZARD, J.. PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT AND READING ATTAINMENT. The British journal of educational psychology, vol.50, no.3, 209-215.

  6. Future Policy far Special Educational Needs. A Response to the Green Paper NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS 1998 

  7. Schools: what do parents think? An analysis to the parents' questionnaire OFSTED RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS DIVISION 1998 

  8. Parental Involvement In Children's Reading TOPPING K.J. 1985 

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