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NTIS 바로가기AIAA journal, v.38 no.12, 2000년, pp.2336 - 2343
Papila, Melih (University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611-6250) , Haftka, Raphael T. (University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611-6250)
In the past few years there has been interest in using response surface techniques to create surrogates to computer simulations. Response surface techniques allow detection and correction of errors as well as filtering out numerical noise, but these techniques introduce additional modeling errors. Methods of reducing both noise and modeling errors are explored. It is also demonstrated that repairing designs with large errors is preferable to eliminating these designs from consideration. Response surface approximations for a high-speed civil transport wing weight equation created from the results of a large number of structural optimizations are used for demonstration. It is shown that the statistical tools available for response surface techniques are effective for error detection and for filtering out noise. Once the noise is reduced, modeling errors can also be reduced by increasing the order of the approximation.(Author abstract)
Delft Torenbeek E. 1992
Balabanov, Vladimir O., Giunta, Antony A., Golovidov, Oleg, Grossman, Bernard, Mason, William H., Watson, Layne T., Haftka, Raphael T.. Reasonable Design Space Approach to Response Surface Approximation. Journal of aircraft, vol.36, no.1, 308-315.
Flight Optimization System Release 5.92 User’s Guide McCullers L. A. 1997
Proceedings of the 5th AIAA/NASA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Symposium, AIAA Giunta A. A. 1117 1994
Holland, Paul W., Welsch, Roy E.. Robust regression using iteratively reweighted least-squares. Communications in statistics. theory and methods, vol.6, no.9, 813-827.
Response Surface Methodology: Process and Product OptimizationUsing Designed Experiments Myers R. H. 1995
Response Surfaces: Designs and Analyses Khuri A. I. 1996
Beaton, Albert E., Tukey, John W.. The Fitting of Power Series, Meaning Polynomials, Illustrated on Band-Spectroscopic Data. Technometrics, vol.16, no.2, 147-185.
12 JMP Statistics and Graphics and User’s Guides, Ver. 3, SAS Inst., Inc., Cary, NC, Jan. 1998.
Knill, Duane L., Giunta, Anthony A., Baker, Chuck A., Grossman, Bernard, Mason, William H., Haftka, Raphael T., Watson, Layne T.. Response Surface Models Combining Linear and Euler Aerodynamics for Supersonic Transport Design. Journal of aircraft, vol.36, no.1, 75-86.
CO User Manual 0 1997
Owen, Art. Lattice Sampling Revisited: Monte Carlo Variance of Means Over Randomized Orthogonal Arrays. The Annals of statistics, vol.22, no.2,
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