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[해외논문] Mary Chandler's description of bath (1733): the poetic topographies of an augustan tradeswoman

Women's writing : the Elizabethan to Victorian period, v.7 no.3, 2000년, pp.447 - 467  

Shuttleton, David

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

As part of the project to recover the writings of early eighteenth-century women poets, this article discusses the popular poetry of Mary Chandler (1687-1745), the author of the much-reprinted Description of Bath …to which are added several poems(1733). Previous work on Augustan women's poetry...

참고문헌 (65)

  1. LonsdaleRoger Eighteenth-Century Women Poets: An Anthology Oxford University PressOxford1989xlvi 

  2. See, in particular, The Last of England (1988). 

  3. 10.1353/ecs.1995.0010 SeeRileyDenise “Am I that name?” Feminism and the Category of Woman in History MacmillanBasingstoke19884451Lawremce Klein, ldquo;Gender and the Public/Private Distinction in the Eighteenth Century: Some Questions about Evidence and Analytic Procedure”, Eighteenth-Century Studies, 29 (1995), pp. 97-109; recent debates reviewed inShoemakerRobertB. Gender in English Society, 1650-1850: The Emergence of Separate Spheres? LongmanHarlow1997ch. 8. 

  4. SeePollackEllen The Poetics of Sexual Myth: Gender and Ideology in the Verse of Swift and Pope Chicago University PressChicago1985 

  5. ChandlerSamuel“Life of Mary Chandler” An Account of the Lives of the Poets of Britain and Ireland five volumesShielsRobertLondon1753345354(p. 348), (misleadingly attributed to Theophilus Cibber, but hereafter “Shiels”). See also Lonsdale, pp. 151-152. 

  6. Shiels, p. 345. Pope left no comment on Chandler. In 1734, when Chandler's occasional poems first appeared, Pope had only published the two Epistles to Burlington and Bathurst and one Imitation. As Thomas suggests, it is unlikely that Chandler approved of Pope's oppositional Horatian satires of the later 1730s. 

  7. ThomasClaudia Alexander Pope and His Eighteenth-Century Female Readers Southern Illinois University PressCarbondale199498102VeronikaTroost“Geography and Gender: Mary Chandler and Alexander Pope” Pope, Swift and Women Writers MellDonaldC.University of Delaware PressNewark19966785 

  8. Thomas, p. 199. 

  9. DeutschHelen Resemblance and Disgrace: Alexander Pope and the Deformation of Culture Harvard University PressBoston1996passim, but especially ch. I, where she illustrates how, for many of the poet's literary enemies, “Pope's body explicates the evil within” (p. 23). Oswald Doughty's patronising “A Bath Poetess of the Eighteenth Century” in The Review of English Studies, vol. I, no. 4 (October 1925), pp. 404-420, first notes the influence of Pope. 

  10. ShuttletonDavid“‘All Passion Extinquish’d': The Case of Mary Chandler (1687-1745)” Women's Poetry of the Enlightenment: The Making of the Canon, 1730-1820 ArmstrongIsobelBlaineVirginiaMacmillanLondon19983349 

  11. I can see no justification for Thomas's suggestion that this might allude to Pope. 

  12. Thomas, pp. 197-198. 

  13. Some key studies includeSpencerJane The Rise of the Woman Novelist: From Aphra Behn to Jane Austen BlackwellOxford1986HobbyElaine Virtue of Necessity: English Women's Writing, 1649-1688 ViragoLondon1988ToddJanet The Sign of Angellica: Women, Writing and Fiction 1649-1800 ViragoLondon1989ShevelowKathryn Women and Print Culture: The Construction of Femininity in the Early Periodical RoutledgeLondon1989BallasterRos Seductive Forms: Women's Amatory Fiction from 1684-1740 Oxford University PressOxford1992TurnerCheryl Living by the Pen: Women Writers in the Eighteenth-Century RoutledgeLondon1992 

  14. Carol Barash, “‘The Native Liberty … of the Subject’. Configurations of Gender and Authority in the Works of Mary Chudleigh, Sarah Fyge Egerton and Mary Astell” Women, Writing and Authority 1640-1799 GrundyIsobelAthensSusanUniversity of Georgia Press19935569Dorothy Mermin, “Women Becoming Poets: Katherine Philips, Aphra Behn, Anne Finch”, in English Literary History, 57 (1990), pp. 335-355; andGreerGermaine Slip-Shod Sybils: Recognition, Rejection and the Woman Poet PenguinHarmondsworth1995 

  15. BarashCarol English Women's Poetry, 1649-1714 Clarendon PressOxford1997 

  16. Whilst Barash does give a brief account of women's poetry under William and Mary, she quickly turns to the figure of Mary's sister, Anne (pp. 209-216). As Barash remarks, any account would need to give careful consideration to the ambivalent status accorded Locke by feminist historians, and the identification of women poets with William's martial exploits. 

  17. Preface added to post-1734 editions. 

  18. By one estimate, half of the women's poetry prefaces published between 1667 and 1750 make apologies for the author's sex; seeGibsonR.G.“‘My Want of Skill’: Apologies of British Women Poets 1660-1800” Eighteenth-Century Women and the Arts KeenerF.M.LorschS.E.19887981as cited by Shoemaker, p. 283. 

  19. Shiels, p. 346. 

  20. NicholsJohn Literary Anecdotes of the Eighteenth Century London18126304305V 

  21. LangfordPaul A Polite and Commercial People: England 1727-1738 Oxford University PressOxford1989851992 

  22. I am indebted to three key studies:BarbauldA. Life and Letters at Bath in the Eighteenth-Century HeinemannLondon1906BorsayPeter The English Urban Renaissance: Culture and Society in the Provincial Town, 1660-1770 Oxford University PressOxford1989NealeR.S. Bath 1680-1850: A Social History Routledge & Kegan PaulLondon1981According to Neale, the number of houses in Bath approximately doubled between 1700 and 1743, and the population tripled by 1800 (Table 2.i, p. 44). 

  23. Troost, pp. 67-68. 

  24. Troost's footnote refers to Luce Irigaray and Jaques Derrida on “the phallus as transcendental signifier” in Toril Moi's Sexual/Textual Politics. I can see nothing particularly feminine in the cyclical theories of post-Newtonian physico-theology: these were primarily theories produced by male virtuosi and used by male poets like Thomson every bit as much as by women. 

  25. JohnsonSamuel Lives of the Poets Denhamas quoted by Troost, p. 67. 

  26. Neale, Bath, p. 174. 

  27. MeskimmonMarsha Engendering the City: Women Artists and Urban Space (Nexus I: Theory and Practice in Contemporary Women's Photography) Scarlet PressLondon19971for related discussions seeGroszElizabeth“Space, Time, and Bodies” Space, Time and Perversion RoutledgeLondon1995 Women and Space: Ground Rules and Social Maps ArdenerS.BergOxford1993Inspired by Walter Benjamin's “Arcades Project”, theoretical studies have tended to focus upon the modern city, but students of the English Enlightenment have made much critical use of Jürgen Habermas's now much-discussed model in The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere BurgerThomasLawrenceFrederickCambridge University PressCambridge1989For how attention to gender difference has been crucial in questioning to any simplistic notion of separate spheres, see Shoemaker, cited earlier. 

  28. Jameson derives the term “cognitive mapping” fromKlein'sKevin The Image of the City MIT PressCambridgeMA1960SeeJamesonFrederic Postmodernism: Or the Cultural Logical of Late Capital VersoLondon19915054409-417 

  29. NokesDavid John Gay: A Profession of Friendship Oxford University PressOxford1995“Trivial Pursuits”, pp. 197-230. 

  30. Again, Chandler's immediate model for her use of this metaphor is the opening of Denham's Cooper's Hill. My image here is borrowed from Robert Shoemaker's comment that “the new form of public space created by the proliferation of printed literature, [was] a kind of eighteenth and nineteenth-century virtual reality in which works created in private could be distributed throughout society” (p. 315). 

  31. Bath Council Minute Books. I must thanks Colin Johnstone for transcribing references to Chandler in the Bath City Archive. 

  32. For this house, subsequently the Grove Tavern, which had “two large kitchens, five rooms at parlour level, another five at dining level, five atticks and six garretts”, and dissenter ownership networks, seeFawcettTrevorInskippMataldquo;The Making of the Orange Grove” Bath History 194052450 

  33. Many thanks to Peter Borsay for his kind help with Bath historical references and a conversation which prompted my ideas in this paragraph. 

  34. DefoeDaniel A Tour Through the Whole Island of Great Britain 1742Richardson printed all editions between 1734 and 1755 and was acquainted with Mary Chandler's family in London. 

  35. For Allen's relations with Wood, seeVareySimon Space and the Eighteenth-Century Novel Cambridge University PressCambridge19907375111-116, Varey provides evidence for Prior Park being designed specifically as a “show-house” at p. 111. 

  36. BoyceBenjamin The Benevolent Man: A Life of Ralph Allen Harvard Iniversxity PressBoston19675659 

  37. WilliamsRaymond The Country and the City HogarthLondon197359 

  38. See The Twickenham Edition of the Poems of Alexander Pope ButtJohnYale University PressNew York1961IV308 

  39. The Guardian, no. 174 (30 September 1713). 

  40. In his “Life of Nash”, Goldsmith dates Bath's transformation from 1705: see Collected works of Oliver Goldsmith FriedmanArthurOxford University PressOxford1966302III 

  41. Reprinted inHydeRalph A Prospect of Britain: The Town Panoramas of Samuel and Nathaniel Buck PavilionLondon1994 

  42. BenedictBarbaraM.“Consumptive Communities: Commodifying Nature in Spa Society” The Eighteenth Century 199536203219 

  43. Borsay later remarks that “the new urban culture … contributed to stability in practical ways by providing attractive contexts in which the traditional elite and the growing middling ranks could freely mix and acquire and exchange status and wealth, thereby neutralizing the potentially most dangerous of all divisions in post-Restoration Britain” (p. 282). 

  44. ToddJanet Sensibility: An Introduction MethuenLondon19866064Barker-Benfield The Culture of Sensibility: Sex and Society in Eighteenth-Century Britain Chicago University PressChicago1992 

  45. EagletonTerry The Rape of Clarissa: Writing, Sexuality and Class Struggle in Samuel Richardson BlackwellOxford198213 

  46. Ibid., and passim. 

  47. Eagleton, p. 13. 

  48. Shiels, p. 349. 

  49. See, for example, the engraved “Plan of the City of Bath”, reproduced in Neale, Bath, pp. 202-203. Published by Leake in October 1736, and devised by John Wood to advertise his (and Allen's) property developments, it includes a written advertisement extolling the virtues of the newly improved City. A key directs the reader to all the points of geographical, historical, social and commercial interest as described in Chandler's Description. 

  50. This point is made of spa literature by Benedict (p. 216, footnote i), with reference toHorkheimerAdorno'schapter on“The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception” The Dialect of Enlightenment 1972 

  51. BorsayPeter The English Urban Renaissance: Culture and Society in the Provincial Town, 1660-1770 Oxford University PressOxford1989 

  52. Borsay, p. 271. 

  53. Ibid., p. 279. 

  54. Quotation at pp. 33-34. There was an ox roast, and Allen was probably one of the council members who made speeches in her honour (see Boyce, p. 25 and Barbauld, p. 276, n. 5). 

  55. This legend, ubiquitous in Bath literature, is traceable to Geoffrey of Monmouth and William Camden's Brittania (1586). 

  56. For Wood and the Bladud legend, see Varey, pp. 66-71, 96-110. 

  57. Neale Bath 186187 

  58. SeeAveryEmmettL.“A Royal Wedding Confounded” Western Humanities Review 1956X153164The marriage, originally scheduled for 12 November 1733, was repeatedly postponed until 14 March 1734. Boyce found it incongruous that Chandler's Description should start with a royal dedication and end with the praise of Allen, a commoner, but the very fact that Chandler is comfortable with such a juxtaposition registers her ideological distance from Pope. 

  59. Goldsmith's Life of Richard Nash Esq 1762describes Nash's monument as “a small obelisk, thirty feet high” bearing the Prince's arms and this inscription: “In memoriam sanitatis Principi Auriaco aquarum thermalium potu. Favente Deo, Ovante Brittania, Feliciter restituae, M. DCC. xxxiv” (p. 341). In 1738, Nash erected a similar obelisk to the Prince of Wales in Queen's Square for which Pope provided an anonymous inscription. 

  60. Six months before her death, on Monday 8 April 1745, in The Bath Journal (vol. II, no. 3) Mary Chandler announced her retirement from business and advertised the sale of both her shop and lodging house. 

  61. Goldsmith, Works, III, p. 300. 

  62. Borsay English Urban Renaissance 260 

  63. The Abbey was notorious for assignations, partly because of its use as a pedestrian thoroughfare, the outside alleyways being congested with market stalls. 

  64. These tensions in Chandler's production of Bath as a modern utopian space are commensurate with Frederic Jameson's account of the “space” of early market capitalism, which may be seen “in terms of a logic of the grid, a reorganization of some older sacred and heterogeneous space into geometrical and Cartesian homogeneity, a space of infinite equivalence and extension … [in which] we witness the familiar process long generally associated with the Enlightenment, namely the desacralization of the world, the decoding and secularization of the older forms of the sacred and the transcendent, [and] the slow colonization of use value by exchange value” (Postmodernism, p. 410). 

  65. I have not ventured to examine this text in the British Library. Quotations from Neale, p. 24. 

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