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[해외논문] The human prostanoid DP receptor stimulates mucin secretion in LS174T cells 원문보기

British journal of pharmacology : BJP, v.131 no.8, 2000년, pp.1537 - 1545  

Wright, D Hamish ,  Ford‐Hutchinson, Anthony W ,  Chadee, Kris ,  Metters, Kathleen M

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This study demonstrates the localization of the prostaglandin (PG)D2 receptor (DP) within the mucous‐secreting globlet cells of the human colon by in situ hybridization, which suggests a role for DP in mucous secretion. Selective high affinity ligands were used, therefore, to evaluate DP regu...

참고문헌 (39)

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