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[해외논문] Modelling of the blood‐brain barrier transport of morphine‐3‐glucuronide studied using microdialysis in the rat: involvement of probenecid‐sensitive transport 원문보기

British journal of pharmacology : BJP, v.131 no.8, 2000년, pp.1784 - 1792  

Xie, Rujia ,  Bouw, M René ,  Hammarlund‐Udenaes, Margareta

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of probenecid on the blood‐brain barrier (BBB) transport of morphine‐3‐glucuronide (M3G).Two groups of rats received an exponential infusion of M3G over 4 h to reach a target plasma concentration of 65 μM on two consec...

참고문헌 (43)

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