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[해외논문] Astrocyte invasion and vasculogenesis in the developing ferret retina

Journal of neurocytology, v.29 no.3, 2000년, pp.157 - 172  

Kopatz, K. (Allgemeine Zoologie and Neurobiologie, Ruhr-Universitä) ,  Distler, C. (t, Bochum, Postfach 102148, D-44780 Bochum, Germany)


We studied the time course of astrocyte invasion and blood vessel formation in the developing ferret retina using glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP)-immunohistochemistry for astrocytes and isolectin B4 histochemistry for blood vessels. As in other mammals, strongly GFAP positive astrocytes invade the ferret retina from the optic nerve. At birth, strongly GFAP positive astrocytes have reached about 22% of the distance between optic disc and outer retinal edge whereas weakly GFAP positive processes already extend to the edge of the retina. At postnatal days P30–P37 about 82% of the distance between optic disc and outer retinal edge and in the adult 88% of this distance is covered with strongly labelled astrocytes. Superficial blood vessels form from the optic disc. They reach up to about 24% of the retinal radius at birth and grow radially across the retina during further development. At P30–P37, the whole retina is covered with superficial blood vessels. The deep vascular layer forms later (around P30) through sprouting from superficial vessels. The radial pattern of astrocyte and vessel growth from the optic disc is not affected by the formation of the area centralis and visual streak.

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