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[해외논문] Immigrants and August 22, 1996: Will the Public Charge Rule Clarify Program Eligibility?

Families in society : the journal of contemporary human services, v.81 no.6, 2000년, pp.605 - 610  

Swingle, Digna Betancourt (State University of New York at Albany, NY.)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) of 1996, known as the welfare reform law, placed great restrictions on the ability of legal immigrants to access and qualify for public benefits. Although many of these benefits were later restored, immigrants have not bee...

참고문헌 (25)

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  2. Administration on Aging. (1999). INS fact sheet on: “Public charge.” [online]. Available at http://www.aoa.dhhs.gov 

  3. Administration on Aging. (1998). Restoration of eligibility for Food Stamps. [online]. Available at http://www.aoa.dhhs.gov 

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  11. FixM. & TumlinK. (1997, October). Welfare reform and the evolution of immigrant policy. Urban Institute. [online]. Available at http://www.urban.org/imm 

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  13. FremstadS. (2000, January 7). The INS public charge guidance: What does it mean for immigrants who need public assistance? Center for Budget and Policy Priorities [online]. Available at: http://www.cbpp.org. 

  14. GallagherAnna M. (1999, August 17). Practice advisory on public charge. American Immigration Law Foundation Legal Action Center [online]. Available at http://www.ailf.org/docs/1999/081899.htm 

  15. Immigration and Naturalization Service. (1999). Illegal alien resident population. [online]. Available at http://www.ins.usdoj.gov 

  16. Immigration and Naturalization Service. (1999). Inadmissibility and deportability on public charge grounds. Federal Register, 8CFR Parts 212 and 237. [online]. Available at http://frweb-gate.access.gpa.gov 

  17. Immigration and Naturalization Service. (2000, March 9). Public charge. [online]. Available at http://www.ins.usdojj.gov/graphics/FAQS.GIF 

  18. Immigration and Naturalization Service. (1996, November 20). State population estimates: Legal permanent residents and aliens eligible to apply for naturalization. [online]. Available at http://www.ins.usdoj.gov 

  19. JoaquinL. & CancillaB. (1999, July). Protecting immigrants and the community: A new approach to public charge determinations. Interpreter Releases, Vol. 76, No. 22. [online]. Available at http://www.nile.org/immlawpolicy/pubchg 

  20. KargerH.J. & StoeszD. (1998). A framework for policy analysis, pp. 39-49, in Karger & Stoesz, American social welfare policy. 

  21. Health & Social Welfare Keigher Sharon M. 232 22 3 1997 

  22. Journal of Gerontological Social Work Kuo T. 143 30 1 1998 

  23. Immigrants may benefit from fine-tuning welfare reform Nation's Health 4 27 5 1997 

  24. National Conference of State Legislatures. (1999, July 26). Public charge comments from state and local coalition on immigration. [online]. Available at http://www.ncsl.org/programs/immg. 

  25. Administration clarifies public charge. National Immigration Law Center 1999 

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