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[해외논문] The Effect of Sudden Failure of a Rotary Blood Pump on Left Ventricular Performance in Normal and Failing Hearts

Artificial organs, v.24 no.11, 2000년, pp.893 - 898  

Nishida, Takahiro ,  Meyns, Bart ,  Zietkiewicz, Miroslaw ,  Perek, Bartolomeij ,  Xia, Zhengyuan ,  Goebel, Christoph ,  Reul, Helmut ,  Flameng, Willem

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract: We investigated the hemodynamic effect of regurgitation (or back-flow) due to sudden failure of a rotary blood pump (diagonal pump). Seven healthy sheep (Group C) and 7 with chronic heart failure (Group F) were studied. Chronic heart failure was obtained by intracoronary injection of micro...


참고문헌 (23)

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  3. Meyns, B, Siess, T, Nishimura, Y, Racz, R, Reul, H, Rau, G, Leunens, V, Flameng, W. Miniaturized implantable rotary blood pump in atrial–aortic position supports and unloads the failing heart. Cardiovascular surgery : official journal of the International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery, vol.6, no.3, 288-295.

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