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[해외논문] Effect of prior heat treatment for commercial-grade aluminum nitride powder in gas atmospheres and activating additions on the structure and properties of hot-pressed ceramics based on it

Powder metallurgy and metal ceramics, v.39 no.5/6, 2000년, pp.303 - 309  

Koval’chenko, M. S. ,  Tkachenko, Yu. G. ,  Yurchenko, D. Z. ,  Morozova, R. A.

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참고문헌 (10)

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  6. K. Sh. Kerimov, V. I. Veprintsev, V. N. Anikin, et al., “Preparation of high heat-conducting ceramics based on aluminum nitride,”Tsvet. Metally, No. 3, 49-51 (1991). 

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  8. Yu. G. Tkachenko, R. A. Morozova, D. Z. Yurchenko, et al., “Effect of chemical heat treatment for aluminum nitride powder on the structure and properties of hot-pressed ceramics based on them,”Poroshk. Metall., Nos. 1-2, 76-81 (1995). 

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  10. Yu. I. Azimov, Yu. I. Belyaev, M. I. Kulakov, et al., “Device for measuring the thermal conductivity coefficient of high heat-conducting materials,”Prib. Tekh. Éksp., No. 4, 248-249 (1985). 

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