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[해외논문] Forced vibrations and vibroheating of shallow viscoelastic laminated shells with the piezoelectric effect

International applied mechanics = Prikladna&n.illigat;&n.arligat; mekhanika, v.36 no.6, 2000년, pp.769 - 778  

Rasskazov, A. O. ,  Kozlov, V. I. ,  Karnaukhova, T. V.

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (15)

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  2. B. A. Boley 1965 Theory of Thermal Stresses B. A. Boley and J. H. Weiner,Theory of Thermal Stresses [Russian translation], Mir, Moscow (1965). 

  3. V. T. Grinchenko 1989 Electroelasticity, Vol. 5 of the five-volume seriesThe Mechanics of Coupled Fields in Structural Elements V. T. Grinchenko, A. F. Ulitko, and N. A. Shul'ga,Electroelasticity, Vol. 5 of the five-volume seriesThe Mechanics of Coupled Fields in Structural Elements [in Russian], Naukova Dumka, Kiev (1989). 

  4. T. V. Karnaukhova 130 1996 Collection of Scientific Papers Nonlinear Boundary-Value Problems of Mathematical Physics and Their Applications T. V. Karnaukhova, “The thermal breakdown of a piezoelectric layer under a harmonic electric action,” in:Nonlinear Boundary-Value Problems of Mathematical Physics and Their Applications, Collection of Scientific Papers, Inst. Mat. NAN Ukr., Kiev (1996), pp. 130-132. 

  5. V. G. Karnaukhov 1986 Coupled Problems of the Theory of Viscoelastic Plates and Shells V. G. Karnaukhov and I. F. Kirichok,Coupled Problems of the Theory of Viscoelastic Plates and Shells [in Russian], Naukova Dumka, Kiev (1986). 

  6. V. G. Karnaukhov 1988 Electrothermoviscoelasticity, Vol. 4 of the five-volume seriesThe Mechanics of Coupled Fields in Structural Elements V. G. Karnaukhov and I. F. Kirichok,Electrothermoviscoelasticity, Vol. 4 of the five-volume seriesThe Mechanics of Coupled Fields in Structural Elements [in Russian], Naukova Dumka, Kiev (1988). 

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  11. Int. Appl. Mech. T. V. Karnaukhova 34 No. 4 373 1998 T. V. Karnaukhova, “Thermal depolarization of a piezoelectric layer under harmonic quasistatic electric loading,”Int. Appl. Mech.,34, No. 4, 373-376 (1998). 

  12. Int. Appl. Mech. I. F. Kirichok 34 No. 6 581 1998 I. F. Kirichok, T. V. Karnaukhova, and Yu. A. Vengrenyuk, “On the influence of temperature depolarization of the thermoelectromechanical behavior of a ring plate from viscoelastic material under harmonic loading,”Int. Appl. Mech.,34, No. 6, 581-586 (1998). 

  13. Int. Appl. Mech. I. F. Kirichok 35 No. 3 255 1999 10.1007/BF02682120 I. F. Kirichok and T. V. Karnaukhova, “Quasistatic thermoelasticity of partially piezoceramic cylinder under a harmonic load,”Int. Appl. Mech.,35, No. 3, 255-261 (1999). 

  14. Int. Appl. Mech. A. O. Rasskazov 35 No. 9 947 1999 10.1007/BF02682291 A. O. Rasskazov, V. I. Kozlov, and T. V. Karnaukhova, “Transverse vibrations and vibrational heating of a rectangular bimorphous plate of dissipative piezoelectric material,”Int. Appl. Mech.,35, No. 9, 947-955 (1999). 

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