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[해외논문] Qualitative and quantitative effects of harmonic echocardiographic imaging on endocardial edge definition and side-lobe artifacts

Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography : official publication of the American Society of Echocardiography, v.13 no.11, 2000년, pp.1012 - 1018  

Rubin, David N. (Department of Cardiology, Section of Cardiovascular Imaging, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation. Cleveland, Ohio) ,  Yazbek, Naji (Department of Cardiology, Section of Cardiovascular Imaging, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation. Cleveland, Ohio) ,  Garcia, Mario J. (Department of Cardiology, Section of Cardiovascular Imaging, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation. Cleveland, Ohio) ,  Stewart, William J. (Department of Cardiology, Section of Cardiovascular Imaging, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation. Cleveland, Ohio) ,  Thomas, James D. (Department of Cardiology, Section of Cardiovascular Imaging, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation. Cleveland, Ohio)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractHarmonic imaging is a new ultrasonographic technique that is designed to improve image quality by exploiting the spontaneous generation of higher frequencies as ultrasound propagates through tissue. We studied 51 difficult-to-image patients with blinded side-by-side cineloop evaluation of en...

참고문헌 (27)

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