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[해외논문] Preparing academic staff to use ICTs in support of student learning

The international journal for academic development, v.5 no.2, 2000년, pp.138 - 148  

Clegg, Sue ,  Konrad, John ,  Tan, Jon


There is pressure on academic staff to respond to changes produced by the increasing globalization of education markets, and the capacities of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) to transform the ways education is delivered. This presents a serious challenge for many academics whose own formative educational experiences and professional orientations were shaped under different circumstances. This paper will focus on an innovative scheme designed to support university staff in their understanding and application of ICTs in student learning. The course was delivered to a small pilot group of experienced teaching staff who wished to explore the uses of ICTs. It aimed to provide an understanding of the available technologies, and how these might be utilized in the support of teaching, learning and assessment. Throughout the course's duration, one of the authors conducted an independent evaluative programme of research involving confidential questionnaires and observation sessions. The paper's two remaining authors have made further contributions as participant and course leader. Combining these sources of data, the paper reviews the course evaluation and discusses how staff approached the development and use of ICTs with varying levels of confidence, and with different practical issues and agendas concerning the incorporation of ICTs in teaching and learning. Placing the study's major themes within the changing contexts facing university staff, it concludes with a discussion of its wider implications for all practitioners involved in staff development that is both general and ICT-specific.

참고문헌 (7)

  1. Bromley, H. (1998) Data-Driven Democracy? Social Assessment of Educational Computing. In Bromley, H., Apple, M. (Eds) Education/Technology/Power. Educational Computing as a Social Practice. Albany: State University of New York Press. 

  2. 10.1023/A:1004093116051 Clegg, S., Trayhum, D. & Johnson, A. (2000) Not Just For Men: A Case Study of Teaching and Learning of Information Technology in Higher Education, Higher Education (forthcoming). 

  3. Coffield, F. (Ed.) (1998). Learning at work. Bristol: Policy Press. 

  4. Coffield, F. (1999a). Introduction: lifelong learning as a new form of social control? In F. Coffield, (Ed.). Why's the beer always stronger up North? Studies in lifelong learning in Europe (pp. 1-12). Bristol: Policy Press. 

  5. Erault, M., Alderton, J., Cole, G. & Senker, P. (1998). Learning from other people at work. In F. Coffield, (Ed.). Learning at work, (pp. 37-48). Bristol: Policy Press. 

  6. Schuller, T. (1996). Social and human capital: Twins siblings or rivals. ESRC/EU Conference Lifelong Learning. Newcastle. 

  7. Scott, P. (1995). The meanings of mass higher education. Buckingham: SRHE & Open University Press. 

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