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NTIS 바로가기Journal of employment counseling, v.37 no.4, 2000년, pp.194 - 203
For many years, professional career counseling practice has been based on psychological rather than sociological theories. In this article, the authors argue that sociological theories, particularly that of the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu (P. Bourdieu & L. Wacquant, 1992), are important for t...
Active engagement: Enhancing the career counseling process Amundson N. E. 1998
Studie‐och yrkesorientering i skolväsendet from läsȧret 1974/75 Aktuellt från Skolöverstyrelsen. 1973
Kultursociologiska texter Bourdieu P. 1986
An invitation to reflexive sociology Bourdieu P. 1992
Broady D.(1990).Sociologi och epistemologi. Om Pierre Bourdieus författarskap och den historiska epistemologin [Sociology and epistemology. On Pierre Bourdieu's work and the historical epistemology)(Doctoral dissertation Institutionen for pedagogik Högskolan för lärarutbildning)Stockholm:LHS‐förlag.
Tema: Rätten att tala [Theme: The right to speak] Broady D. 1984
Dahlin E.(1994).Om att tillämpa Bourdieus begrepp i utbildningen av studieoch yrkesvägledare[How to apply the concepts of Bourdieu in the education of counselors]. Unpublished manuscript.
The ecological approach to visual perception Gibson J. J. 1986
Choosing a vocation Parsons F. 1909
Konstruktivistisk vägledning. Teorioch metod. [Constructivist counseling. Theory and method.] Peavy R. V. 1997
Sociodynamic counseling. A Constructivist perspective for the practice of counseling in the 21st century Peavy R. V. 1997
Om Studie-och yrkesorientering i grund‐ och gymnasieskola Regeringens Proposition 34 1971
Client‐centered therapy Rogers C. 1951
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Watts A. G.(1995 August).A framework for comparing careers guidance systems in different countries. Paper presented to the 16th International Congress of the International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance Stockholm.
Educational and vocational guidance in the European community Watts A. G. 1994
Canadian Counselor Young R. A. 152 18 4 1984 Toward an ecology of career development
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