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[해외논문] Ground magnetic signatures of ULF and substorm activity during an interval of abnormally weak solar wind on May 11, 1999 원문보기

Geophysical research letters, v.27 no.23, 2000년, pp.3789 - 3792  

Rostoker, Gordon

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

On May 11, 1999 the solar wind density became extremely low, dropping slowly over several hours to below 1 particle/cc at a time when the wind speed was relatively low (∼360-380 km/s) and the north‐south component of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) was fluctuating within ±2 nT of ...

참고문헌 (7)

  1. Liu, W. W., Xu, B.‐L., Samson, J. C., Rostoker, G.. Theory and observation of auroral substorms: A magnetohydrodynamic approach. Journal of geophysical research : JGR. A : Space physics, vol.100, no.a1, 79-95.

  2. Association between Geotail plasma flows and auroral poleward boundary intensifications observed by CANOPUS photometers. Journal of geophysical research : JGR. A : Space physics, vol.104, no.a3, 4485-4500.

  3. Rostoker, Gordon, Lam, Hing-Lan, Olson, John V.. PC 4 giant pulsations in the morning sector. Journal of geophysical research : JGR. A : Space physics, vol.84, no.a9, 5153-.

  4. Rostoker, G., Savoie, D., Phan, T. D.. Response of magnetosphere-ionosphere current systems to changes in the interplanetary magnetic field. Journal of geophysical research : JGR. A : Space physics, vol.93, no.a8, 8633-.

  5. Seboldt, W.. Nonlocal analysis of low-frequency waves in the plasma sheet. Journal of geophysical research : JGR. A : Space physics, vol.95, no.a7, 10471-.

  6. Weatherwax, A. T., Rosenberg, T. J., Lanzerotti, L. J., Maclennan, C. G., Frey, H. U., Mende, S. B.. The distention of the magnetosphere on May 11, 1999: High latitude Antarctic observations and comparisons with low latitude magnetic and geopotential data. Geophysical research letters, vol.27, no.24, 4029-4032.

  7. Zhu, Xiaoming, Kivelson, Margaret G.. Analytic formulation and quantitative solutions of the coupled ULf wave problem. Journal of geophysical research : JGR. A : Space physics, vol.93, no.a8, 8602-.

이 논문을 인용한 문헌

  1. Weatherwax, A. T. ; Rosenberg, T. J. ; Lanzerotti, L. J. ; Maclennan, C. G. ; Frey, H. U. ; Mende, S. B. 2000 "The distention of the magnetosphere on May 11, 1999: High latitude Antarctic observations and comparisons with low latitude magnetic and geopotential data" Geophysical research letters, 27(24): 4029~4032

  2. Cheng, Ching-Chang ; Russell, Christopher T. ; Shue, Jih-Hong 2009 "On the association of quiet-time Pi2 pulsations with IMF variations" Advances in space research : the official journal of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), 43(7): 1118~1129

  3. Lockwood, Mike 2001 "The day the solar wind nearly died" Nature, 409(6821): 677~679

  4. Cheng, C.‐C. ; Russell, C. T. ; Angelopoulos, V. ; Mann, I. ; Glassmeier, K. H. ; Auster, U. ; Baumjohann, W. 2009 "THEMIS observations of consecutive bursts of Pi2 pulsations: The 20 April 2007 event" Journal of geophysical research : JGR. A : Space physics, 114(a1): 2008JA013538~

  5. Lyons, L. R. ; Zesta, E. ; Xu, Y. ; Sánchez, E. R. ; Samson, J. C. ; Reeves, G. D. ; Ruohoniemi, J. M. ; Sigwarth, J. B. 2002 "Auroral poleward boundary intensifications and tail bursty flows: A manifestation of a large‐scale ULF oscillation?" Journal of geophysical research : JGR. A : Space physics, 107(a11): ~

  6. Andriyas, T. 2016 "Auroral boundary movement rates during substorm onsets and their correspondence to solar wind and the AL index" Journal of atmospheric and solar-terrestrial physics, 146(): 129~139

  7. Janardhan, P. ; Tripathi, D. ; Mason, H. E. 2008 "The solar wind disappearance event of 11 May 1999: source region evolution" Astronomy and astrophysics, 488(1): L1~L4

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