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[해외논문] Estimation of dynamic rupture parameters from the radiated seismic energy and apparent stress 원문보기

Geophysical research letters, v.27 no.23, 2000년, pp.3945 - 3948  

Pulido, N. ,  Irikura, K.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

We propose a new procedure for estimating the critical slip weakening distance, Dc, by evaluating the spatio‐temporal distribution of the apparent stress calculated from the spatio‐temporal distribution of the slip velocity function on the fault plane obtained from a kinematic inversio...

참고문헌 (11)

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  5. Guatteri, M., Spudich, P.. What Can Strong-Motion Data Tell Us about Slip-Weakening Fault-Friction Laws?. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, vol.90, no.1, 98-116.

  6. Ida, Yoshiaki. Cohesive force across the tip of a longitudinal-shear crack and Griffith's specific surface energy. Journal of geophysical research: JGR, vol.77, no.20, 3796-3805.

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  8. OROWAN, E.. Chapter 12: Mechanism of Seismic Faulting. Memoir : Geological Society of America, vol.79, no.n, 323-346.

  9. Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am. Savage J. 1381 61 1971 The relation between apparent stress and stress drop 

  10. Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am. Rudnicki J. 583 71 1981 On energy radiation from seismic sources 

  11. Wald, David J., Heaton, Thomas H.. Spatial and temporal distribution of slip for the 1992 Landers, California, earthquake. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, vol.84, no.3, 668-691.

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