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[해외논문] Relation of Family History of Suicide to Suicide Attempts in Alcoholics

The American journal of psychiatry, v.157 no.12, 2000년, pp.2050 - 2051  

Roy, Alec

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

OBJECTIVE: This study was an examination of whether a family history of suicide is associated with attempts at suicide among alcoholics. METHOD: A consecutive series of 333 alcoholics were interviewed about whether or not they had ever attempted suicide and about their family history of suicide. RES...

참고문헌 (9)

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  9. 10.1176/ajp.147.6.761 Roy A, Lamparski D, DeJong J, Moore V, Linnoila M: Characteristics of alcoholics who attempt suicide. Am J Psychiatry 1990; 147:761-765 

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