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[해외논문] Localization of Cathepsin D in Human Odontoclasts. A Light and Electron Microscopical Immunocytochemical Study

Connective tissue research, v.41 no.3, 2000년, pp.185 - 194  

Gotz, W. ,  Quondamatteo, F. ,  Ragotzki, S. ,  Affeldt, J. ,  Jäger, A.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Odontoclasts are dentine and cementum resorbing cells whose relationship to bone resorbing osteoclasts is not clear. Like osteoclasts, they possess different cathepsins which are involved in mineralized tissue degradation during the tooth root resorption process in deciduous teeth. Whether cathepsin...

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