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[해외논문] Sterol carrier protein 2 gene transfer changes lipid metabolism and enterohepatic sterol circulation in mice 원문보기

Gastroenterology, v.119 no.6, 2000년, pp.1708 - 1719  

Zanlungo, S. ,  Amigo, L. ,  Mendoza, H. ,  Miquel, J.F. ,  Vio, C. ,  Glick, J.M. ,  Rodriguez, A. ,  Kozarsky, K. ,  Quinones, V. ,  Rigotti, A. ,  Nervi, F.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Background & Aims: Sterol carrier protein 2 (SCP-2) enhances sterol cycling and facilitates cholesterol translocation between intracellular organelles and plasma membrane in cultured cells, including hepatocytes. We examined the role of SCP-2 in hepatic cholesterol and lipid trafficking through the ...

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