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[해외논문] Public opinion and tax aversion in Australia

Journal of sociology : the journal of the Australian Sociological Association, v.36 no.3, 2000년, pp.275 - 290  

Blount, Simon (University of New South Wales)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The passage of the GST legislation through the Senate brings to an end 25 years of debate over whether Australia should radically alter its tax system. This paper investigates the empirical problem of whether there were patterns of public opinion indicating that voters may have been averse to one pa...

참고문헌 (38)

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  4. Taxation Revenue 1995-96. 5506.0 Australian Bureau of Statistics 1997 

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  10. National Taxation Summit: Record of Proceedings Commonwealth of Australia 1985 

  11. Tax Reform: Not a New Tax, A New Tax System Commonwealth of Australia 1998 

  12. The Electoral Impact of Tax: A Comparative Study of Sweden and Australia PhD Thesis (unpublished) Compston, H. 1990 

  13. Ideology, Public Opinion and Welfare Policy: Attitudes Toward Taxes and Spending in Industrial Societies Coughlin, R.M. 1980 

  14. Fisher, Ronald C.. Taxes and Expenditures in the U.S.: Public Opinion Surveys and Incidence Analysis Compared. Economic inquiry, vol.23, no.3, 525-550.

  15. Goot, Murray. Fightback in the Polls. The Australian quarterly, vol.64, no.2, 162-.

  16. Dimensions of Australian Society Graetz, B. 1994 2 

  17. Hadenius, Axel. Citizens Strike a Balance: Discontent With Taxes, Content With Spending. Journal of public policy, vol.5, no.3, 349-363.

  18. The Politics of Taxation: Revenue Without Representation Hansen, S.B. 1983 

  19. Hibbs Jr, Douglas A., Madsen, Henrik Jess. Public Reactions to the Growth of Taxation and Government Expenditure. World politics, vol.33, no.3, 413-435.

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  24. Society and Electoral Behaviour in Australia: A Study of Three Decades Kemp, D.A. 1978 

  25. The Psychology of Taxation Lewis, A. 1982 

  26. McNair Anderson Associates: APOP SSDA 464 APOP 314185; APOP SSDA 467 APOP 3/7/85; and APOP SSDA 470 APOP 2/10/85. 

  27. The New Machine Men: Polls and Persuasion in Australian Politics Mills, S. 1986 

  28. Morgan Gallup Polls MGPN: CR 455 July 1982; CR 455 July/August 1982; CR 541 September 1983; CR 603 September 1984; CR 638 February 1985; CR 655 May 1985; CR 659 June 1985; CR 832 June 1987; CR 837 July 1987; CR 895 April 1988; CR 931 October 1988; CR 987 October 1989; CR 1000 January 1990; CR 1025 May 1990; FN 2328 February 1992; 1143 November 1995; CR 1374 June 1996; CR 1431 May 1997; CR 1453 August 1997; CR 1514 May 1998; CR 1526 August 8/9 1998; FN 3114 August 15/16 1998; CR 1527 August 22/23 1998; and CR 1531 September 23/24 1998. 

  29. Newspoll NEWS: 19-21 June 1987; 3-5 July 1987; 28-30 June 1991; 22-24 November 1991; 13-15 December 1991; 13-15 November 1992; 15-17 August 1997; 29-31 May 1998; 21-23 May 1999; and 4-6 June 1999. 

  30. Revenue Statistics of OECD Member Countries Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development 1997 

  31. Attitudes to State and Private Welfare in Australia Report to the Social Policy Research Centre Papadakis, E. 1990 

  32. Papadakis, Elim. Conjectures about Public Opinion and the Australian Welfare State. The Australian and New Zealand journal of sociology, vol.26, no.2, 209-234.

  33. Tax Revolt: Something for Nothing in California Sears, D.O. 1985 

  34. Taxing Popularity: The Story of Taxation in Australia Smith, J.P. 1993 


  36. Welch, Susan. The "More for Less" Paradox: Public Attitudes on Taxing and Spending. Public opinion quarterly, vol.49, no.3, 310-316.

  37. The Politics and Development of the Federal Income Tax Witte, J. 1985 

  38. Zagõrski, Krzysztof. Public Opinion On Taxes And Government Spending. The Australian journal of social issues, vol.23, no.4, 300-308.

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