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NTIS 바로가기Electronics letters, v.36 no.25, 2000년, pp.2101 - 2102
Flintoft, I.D. (Dept. of Electron., York Univ., UK) , Capstick, M.H. , Porter, S.J. , Marvin, A.C.
Initial estimates of radio frequency exposure of the human head to universal mobile telecommunication system terminals are presented. The estimates are based on renormalising existing measured and computed specific absorption rate data for global telecommunication system 1800 MHz terminals. Results are presented for various classes of terminal.
Third Generation Project Partnership. Technical Specifications, March 2000 Release
Third Generation Project Partnership: ‘UE radio transmission and reception (FDD)’. Technical Specification, TS25.101, Release R99, Version 3.2.2, March 2000
Third Generation Project Partnership: ‘UE radio transmission and reception (TDD)’. Technical Specification, TS25.102, Release R99, Version 3.2.2, March 2000
0031-9155 Gabriel 41 2251 1996 10.1088/0031-9155/41/11/002
ETSI: ‘Digital cellular telecommunications system (phase 2+); radio transmission and reception’. ETS 300 910, Third Edition, Jan. 1998
‘Interaction of the body with the radio emissions from handheld transceivers - IBREHT’, IBREHT Report, 1997 Produced for the UK LINK Personal Communications Programme by NRPB
‘Board statement on restrictions on human exposure limits to static and time varying electromagnetic fields and radiation’, NRPB, 1993 HMSO, London
ICNIRP 74 494 1998
‘Preliminary characterisation of the near field of a prototype UMTS radio’, Microwave Consultants Ltd, June 2000
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