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[해외논문] Technology in Teacher Education: examples of integration and implementation in early childhood courses

Journal of information technology for teacher education, v.9 no.1, 2000년, pp.95 - 108  

Yelland, Nicola (a Queensland University of Technology , Australia) ,  Grieshaber, Susan (a Queensland University of Technology , Australia) ,  Stokes, Jackie (a Queensland University of Technology , Australia)

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (16)

  1. Real Time: computers, change and schooling. National Sample Study of the Information Technology Skills of Australian School Students Commonwealth Department of Education, Training and Youth Affairs (DETYA) 1999 

  2. Downes, T.. Student‐teachers' experiences in using computers during teaching practice. Journal of computer assisted learning, vol.9, no.1, 17-33.

  3. Schooling 2001 - School Kit Education Queensland 1997 

  4. Conferencing Technologies and Staff Development Models. Final Report Halliwell G. 1996 

  5. Open Access, Audiographics and Higher Degree Study: pedagogy and other issues Final Report Halliwell G. 1995 

  6. Teaching and Learning at the Higher Degree Level Using Audiographics Conferencing - report on a 1994 trial Halliwell G. 1994 

  7. Handler, M.G.. Preparing new teachers to use computer technology: Perceptions and suggestions for teacher educators. Computers & education, vol.20, no.2, 147-156.

  8. Rethinking University Education: a framework for the effective use of educational technology Laurillard D. 1993 

  9. Training Preservice Teachers in Applying Computer Technology to Lesson Planning as a Component of the Elementary School Methods Curriculum McCormack V. 1995 

  10. Milken Exchange on Educational Technology. 1999. “Will New Teachers be Prepared to Teach in a Digital Age? A national survey on information technology in teacher education”. [on-line]Available at: http:www.mff.org/publications/publications.taf 

  11. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education Oliver R. 71 2 1994 

  12. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning Robertson J. 2 12 1996 10.1111/j.1365-2729.1996.tb00032.x 

  13. Journal of Technology & Teacher Education Robinson B. 73 1 1993 

  14. Wild, Martyn. Pre-service Teacher Education Programmes for Information Technology: an effective education?. Journal of information technology for teacher education, vol.4, no.1, 7-20.

  15. Wild, Martyn. Technology refusal: Rationalising the failure of student and beginning teachers to use computers. British journal of educational technology, vol.27, no.2, 134-143.

  16. Early Mathematical Explorations Yelland N. J. 1999 

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