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[해외논문] Critical Personalism, Language and Development

Theory & psychology, v.10 no.6, 2000년, pp.749 - 767  

Bamberg, Michael (Clark University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Taking off from William Stem's theorizing about the role of language in person development, the article attempts to open new possibilities for the developmental analysis of subjectivity and individuality. Stem's notion of `Stellungnahme' (the taking of a position) is made relevant for current discus...


참고문헌 (28)

  1. Proceedings of the 20th Annual Boston Conference on Language Development Bamberg, M. 30 

  2. Narrative development-Six approaches Bamberg, M. 89 1997 

  3. Bamberg, Michael. Language, concepts and emotions: The role of language in the construction of emotions. Language sciences, vol.19, no.4, 309-340.

  4. Bamberg, Michael. Talk and What Talk Is About: The Development of Form and Content in Discourse Practices. Human development, vol.42, no.5, 247-252.

  5. Communication: An arena for development Bamberg, M. 55 2000 

  6. Relating events in narrative: A crosslinguistic developmental study Berman, R.A. 1994 

  7. Budwig, Nancy. Language, Practices and the Construction of Personhood. Theory & psychology, vol.10, no.6, 769-786.

  8. Communication: An arena for development Budwig, N. 2000 

  9. Discourse, consciousness, and time Chafe, W. 1995 

  10. DAVIES, BRONWYN, HARRÉ, ROM. Positioning: The Discursive Production of Selves. Journal for the theory of social behaviour, vol.20, no.1, 43-63.

  11. 10.1017/CBO9780511810190 

  12. Harré, Rom. Personalism in the Context of a Social Constructionist Psychology : Stern and Vygotsky. Theory & psychology, vol.10, no.6, 731-748.

  13. Changing the subject: Psychology, regulation and subjectivity Hollway, W. 227 1984 

  14. Developmental psychology: Historical and philosophical perspectives Kaplan, B. 185 1983 

  15. 10.1515/9783110809305.181 

  16. Rethinking linguistic relativity Ochs, E. 407 1996 

  17. Allgemeine Entwicklungspsychologie [General developmental psychology] Schmidt, H.-D. 1977 

  18. Die Kindersprache: Eine psychologische und sprachtheoretische Untersuchung [The language of children: A psychological and linguistic-theoretical investigation] Stem, C. 1907 

  19. Recollection, testimony and lying in early childhood Stem, C. 1999 

  20. Person und Sache: System der philosophischen Weltanschauung: Band L Ableitung und Grundlehre [Person and world: A system of a philosophical worldview: Vol. 1. Introduction and basic principles] Stem, W. 1906 

  21. Die differentielle Psychologie [Differential psychology] Stem, W. 1911 

  22. Vorgedanken zur Weltanschauung [Preliminaries to a world-philosophy] Stem, W. 1915 

  23. Jugendliches Seelenleben und Krieg [War and the interior lives of youth] Stem, W. 1915 

  24. (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift fPr angewandte Psychologie und psychologische Sammelforschung 22 12 

  25. Die Psychologie und der Personalismus [Psychology and personalism] Stem, W. 1917 

  26. Psychologie der frühen Kindheit [The psychology of early childhood] Stem, W. 1930 6 

  27. Communication: An arena for development Uzgiris, I.C. 131 2000 

  28. 10.1037/10152-004 

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