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[해외논문] Study of Degradation on Deuteration of a Diblock Copolymer of Polystyrene and Poly(ethylene-alt-propylene)

International journal of polymer analysis and characterization, v.6 no.1/2, 2001년, pp.1 - 11  

Price, David ,  Dawkins, John V. ,  Higgins, Julia S.

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (12)

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  4. Lindner, P., Rössler, E., Sillescu, H.. NMR study of molecular motion in solid and molten polystyrene: Application of the deuteron dilution technique. Die Makromolekulare Chemie, vol.182, no.12, 3653-3669.

  5. Garnett, J. L., Long, M. A., Vining, R. F. W., Mole, T.. New simple method for rapid, selective aromatic deuteration using organoaluminum dihalide catalysts. Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol.94, no.16, 5913-5914.

  6. Willenberg, Bernd. Proton‐deuteron exchange in polystyrene - A new simple method for rapid deuteration of polymers with aromatic substituents. Die Makromolekulare Chemie, vol.177, no.12, 3625-3628.

  7. Higgins, J.S., Dawkins, J.V., Maghami, G.G., Shakir, S.A.. Study of micelle formation by the diblock copolymer polystyrene-b-(ethylene-co-propylene) in dodecane by small-angle neutron scattering. Polymer, vol.27, no.6, 931-936.

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  9. Rachapudy, H., Smith, G. G., Raju, V. R., Graessley, W. W.. Properties of amorphous and crystallizable hydrocarbon polymers. III. Studies of the hydrogenation of polybutadiene. Journal of polymer science. Polymer physics edition, vol.17, no.7, 1211-1222.

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  11. Cationic Polymerization of Olefins: A Critical Inventory Kennedy J. P. 1975 

  12. Makromol. Chem. Mango L. A. 163 13 1973 

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