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[해외논문] Limitation of Infarct Size in Rabbit Hearts by the Novel Adenosine Receptor Agonist AMP 579 Administered at Reperfusion

Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology, v.32 no.12, 2000년, pp.2339 - 2347  

Xu, Zhelong (Department of Physiology, University of South Alabama, College of Medicine, Mobile, AL 36688, USA) ,  Yang, Xi-Ming (Department of Physiology, University of South Alabama, College of Medicine, Mobile, AL 36688, USA) ,  Cohen, Michael V (Department of Physiology, University of South Alabama, College of Medicine, Mobile, AL 36688, USA) ,  Neumann, Till (Department of Pathophysiology, University of Essen, Essen, Germany) ,  Heusch, Gerd (Department of Physiology, University of South Alabama, College of Medicine, Mobile, AL 36688, USA) ,  Downey, James M (Department of Physiology, University of South Alabama, College of Medicine, Mobile, AL 36688, USA)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractThe novel A1/A2adenosine receptor agonist AMP 579 has been reported to reduce myocardial infarct size in pig and dog. The present study tested the effect of AMP 579 in two rabbit models. In open-chest rabbits undergoing 30 min of regional ischemia and 3 h of reperfusion AMP 579 (3 μ g...


참고문헌 (25)

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