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[해외논문] The Effect of Large-Scale Turbulent Structures on a Simple 2-D Canyon-Type Flow

Environmental monitoring and assessment, v.65 no.1/2, 2000년, pp.397 - 405  

Savory, E. (Fluid Mechanics Research Group, School of Engineering in the Environment, University of Surrey, Guildford GU2 5XH, United Kingdom. E-mail: e.savory@surrey.ac.uk) ,  Abdelqari, A. (Equipe Dynamique de l'Atmosphere Habitee, Laboratoire de Mecanique des Fluides, Ecole Centrale de Nantes (ECN), 44072 Nantes Cedex 03, France)


This paper is concerned with a preliminary experimental investigation of the interaction between large turbulent structures, generated in the wake of a circular cylinder, and the rough-wall turbulent boundary layer separated flow immediately downstream of a simple street canyon type geometry represented by backward-facing step. The motivation for the work was to provide some initial data for the validation of a 3-D k-ϵ turbulence model used for the prediction of flows and pollutant dispersion within the urban canopy. The aim has been to assess the extent of the perturbation of a simulated street canyon caused by regular large-scale eddies generated upstream. The research has involved the use of thermal anemometry to determine mean velocity and turbulence characteristics both upstream and downstream of the step, together with the mean reacttachment length for the recirculating flow. The results indicate that the presence of the cylinder in the flow reduces the reattachment length. In addition, the periodic structures generated in the cylinder wake are rapidly mixed with the turbulence in the step shear layer such that no periodicity is detected at the reattachment zone.


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