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[해외논문] Forensic Mental Health Services in Australia

International journal of law and psychiatry, v.23 no.5/6, 2000년, pp.433 - 452  

Mullen, Paul E (Professor of Forensic Psychiatry, Monash University and Clinical Director, Victorian Institute of Forensic Mental Health, Fairfield, Victoria, Australia.) ,  Briggs, Sue (Senior Policy Advisor, Victorian Institute of Forensic Mental Health, Fairfield, Victoria, Australia.) ,  Dalton, Tom (Corporate Lawyer, Victorian Institute of Forensic Mental Health, Fairfield, Victoria, Australia.) ,  Burt, Michael (Chief Executive Officer, Victorian Institute of Forensic Mental Health, Fairfield, Victoria, Australia.)

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (32)

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  5. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry Bell 33 723 1999 10.1080/j.1440-1614.1999.00635.x Ethical issues in the prevention of suicide in prison 

  6. Biles 1992 The research papers of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal deaths in custody 

  7. Campbell 1988 Mental disorder and criminal law in Australia and New Zealand 

  8. Commonwealth law reports. (1995-1996). Vol. 189, pp. 51-145. 

  9. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology Craze 27 30 1994 10.1177/000486589402700106 Violence, meaning and the law 

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  12. Fergusson 1999 Childhood sexual abuse 

  13. Psychiatry Psychology and Law Fox 6 153 1999 10.1080/13218719909524957 Competition in sentencing 

  14. Psychiatry Psychology and Law Freiberg 2 97 1994 10.1080/13218719409524834 The disposition of mentally disordered offenders in Australia 

  15. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology Glaser 27 46 1994 10.1177/000486589402700107 Garry David, psychiatry and the discourse of dangerousness 

  16. British Journal of Psychiatry Henderson 176 97 2000 10.1192/bjp.176.1.97 Focus on psychiatry in Australia 

  17. Lewis 1969 Latin dictionary 

  18. Liebling 1992 Suicides in prison 

  19. Psychiatry Psychology and Law Lightfoot 5 265 1998 10.1080/13218719809524939 Striking the balance 

  20. McArthur, M., Camilleri, P., & Webb, H. (1999). Strategies for managing suicide and self harm in prisons. Trends and Issues, 125, Australian Institute of Criminology, Canberra, No. 125. 

  21. McConaghy 1992 Sexual behaviour 

  22. Psychiatry Psychology and Law McDonnell 4 25 1997 10.1080/13218719709524893 Community treatment orders in Victoria 

  23. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry McSherry 20 183 1997 10.1016/S0160-2527(97)00002-2 The reformulated defence of insanity in the Australian Criminal Code Act 1995 

  24. Journal of Law and Medicine McSherry 6 10 1998 Mental impairment and criminal responsibility 

  25. Mendelson 1988 Psychiatric aspects of personal injury claims 

  26. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health Mullen 3 212 1993 10.1002/cbm.1993.3.4.212 Care and containment in forensic psychiatry 

  27. Mullen 2000 Stalkers and their victims 

  28. British Journal of Psychiatry Pathe 170 12 1997 10.1192/bjp.170.1.12 The impact of stalkers on their victims 

  29. Rose 1992 The strategy of preventative medicine 

  30. British Journal of Psychiatry Wallace 172 477 1998 10.1192/bjp.172.6.477 Serious criminal offending and mental disorder 

  31. Waller 1977 Daniel McNaughton-His trial and the aftermath (pp. 170-185) McNaughton in the Antipodes 

  32. Yeo 1990 Partial excuses to murder 

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