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[해외논문] Relationship between microfilaria count and sensitivity of the direct smear for diagnosis of canine dirofilariosis

Veterinary parasitology, v.94 no.3, 2001년, pp.199 - 204  

Courtney, Charles H (Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-352-392-4700) ,  Zeng, Qi-Yun (fax: +1-352-392-8351)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractDirect blood smear examination (using 0.05ml of whole blood) detected 168 (80.9%) of 204 microfilaremic canine blood samples as determined by the modified Knott test for microfilariae (mff) of Dirofilaria immitis (using 1ml of whole blood). Direct smear examination detected all of 134 microf...


참고문헌 (9)

  1. American Heartworm Society, 1993. Recommended procedures for the diagnosis and management of heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis) infection. In: Soll, M.D. (Ed.), Proceedings of the Heartworm Symposium ’92, American Heartworm Society, Batavia, IL, pp. 289-294. 

  2. Blagburn, B.L., Hendrix, C.M., Lindsay, D.S., Vaughan, J.L., Hepler, D.I., 1993. Post-adulticide milbemycin oxime microfilaricidal activity in dogs naturally infected with Dirofilaria immitis. In: Soll, M.D. (Ed.), Proceedings of the Heartworm Symposium ’92, American Heartworm Society, Batavia, IL, pp. 159-164. 

  3. Int. J. Parasitol. Boreham 13 547 1983 10.1016/S0020-7519(83)80026-5 Adverse drug reactions in the treatment of filarial parasites: haematological, biochemical, immunological and pharmacological changes in Dirofilaria immitis infected dogs treated with diethylcarbamazine 

  4. Courtney, C.H., Zeng, Q.-Y., 1989. The structure of heartworm populations in dogstpandtpcats in Florida. In: Otto, G.F. (Ed.), Proceedings of the Heartworm Symposium ’89, American Heartworm Society, Washington, DC, pp. 1-6. 

  5. Courtney, C.H., Zeng, Q.-Y., Maler, M.M., 1999. The effect of chronic administration of milbemycin oxime and ivermectin on microfilaremias in heartworm-infected dogs. In: Seward, R.L., Knight, D.H. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Recent Advances in Heartworm Disease: Symposium ’98, American Heartworm Society, Batavia, IL, pp. 193-199. 

  6. Jackson, R.F., Otto, G.F., 1975. Detection and differentiation of microfilariae. In: Otto, G.F. (Ed.), Proceedings of the Heartworm Symposium ’74. VM Publishing, Inc., Bonner Springs, KS, pp. 21-22. 

  7. Jackson, R.F., Seymour, W.G., 1981. Efficacy of avermectins against microfilariae of Dirofilaria immitis. In: Otto, G.F. (Ed.), Proceedings of the Heartworm Symposium ’80. VM Publishing, Inc., Edwardsville KS, pp. 131-126. 

  8. Jackson, R.F., Seymour, W.G., Beckett, R.S., 1986. Lower dose of ivermectin as a microfilaricide, 0.05 mg kg?1. In: Otto, G.F. (Ed.), Proceedings of the Heartworm Symposium ’86, American Heartworm Society, Washington, DC, pp.15-18. 

  9. Tropenmed. Parasitol. Palumbo 32 115 1981 Observations on the adverse reaction to diethylcarbamazine in Dirofilaria immitis-infected dogs 

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