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[해외논문] Initial results and long-term clinical and angiographic outcome of coronary stenting in women

The American journal of cardiology, v.86 no.12, 2000년, pp.1380 - 1383  

Alfonso, Fernando (Interventional Cardiology Unit, Cardiovascular Institute, San Carlos University Hospital, Madrid, Spain) ,  Hernández, Rosana (Interventional Cardiology Unit, Cardiovascular Institute, San Carlos University Hospital, Madrid, Spain) ,  Bañuelos, Camino (Interventional Cardiology Unit, Cardiovascular Institute, San Carlos University Hospital, Madrid, Spain) ,  Fernández-Ortı́z, Antonio (Interventional Cardiology Unit, Cardiovascular Institute, San Carlos University Hospital, Madrid, Spain) ,  Escaned, Javier (Interventional Cardiology Unit, Cardiovascular Institute, San Carlos University Hospital, Madrid, Spain) ,  Sabaté, Manel (Interventional Cardiology Unit, Cardiovascular Institute, San Carlos University Hospital, Madrid, Spain) ,  Pérez-Vizcayno, Marı́a J (Interventional Cardiology Unit, Cardiovascular Institute, San Carlos University Hospital, Madrid, Spain) ,  Fernández, Cristina (Interventional Cardiology Unit, Cardiovascular Institute, San Carlos University Hospital, Madrid, Spain) ,  Macaya, Carlos (Interventional Cardiology Unit, Cardiovascular Institute, San Carlos University Hospital, Madrid, Spain)

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참고문헌 (20)

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