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[해외논문] A remark about actions of lattices on free groups

Topology and its applications, v.110 no.1, 2001년, pp.21 - 24  

Bridson, Martin R. (Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, 24–) ,  Farb, Benson (29 St. Giles', Oxford, OX1 3LB, UK)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractEvery homomorphism from an irreducible, noncocompact lattice in a higher-rank semisimple Lie group to the outer automorphism group of a free group must have a finite image....


참고문헌 (12)

  1. Bestvina 1997 Solvable subgroups of Out(Fn) are virtually Abelian 

  2. Bridson 373 1991 Group Theory From a Geometrical Viewpoint Geodesics and curvature in metric simplicial complexes 

  3. Bridson 1999 The symmetries of outer space 

  4. Culler 33 197 1984 Contributions to Group Theory Finite groups of automorphisms of free groups 

  5. Invent. Math. Culler 84 91 1986 10.1007/BF01388734 Moduli of graphs and automorphisms of free groups 

  6. Topology Farb 37 1169 1998 10.1016/S0040-9383(97)00099-2 Superrigidity and mapping class groups 

  7. Farb 1998 Lattice actions, 3-manifolds, and homology 

  8. Internat. Math. Res. Notices Ivanov 14 651 1997 10.1155/S1073792897000433 Automorphism of complexes of curves and of Teichmuller spaces 

  9. Ann. of Math. Kerchoff 117 235 1983 10.2307/2007076 The Nielsen realization problem 

  10. Invent. Math. Kaimanovich 125 2 221 1996 10.1007/s002220050074 The Poisson boundary of the mapping class group 

  11. Royden 66 369 1971 Advances in the Theory of Riemann Surfaces Automorphisms and isometries of Teichmuller spaces 

  12. Zimmer 81 1984 Ergodic Theory and Semisimple Groups 

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