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[해외논문] Is surgical excision necessary for atypical ductal hyperplasia of the breast diagnosed by mammotome?

The American journal of surgery, v.180 no.4, 2000년, pp.313 - 315  

Adrales, Gina (Carolinas Medical Center (GA, PT, TW, HJN, FG), Charlotte, North Carolina, USA) ,  Turk, Peter (Carolinas Medical Center (GA, PT, TW, HJN, FG), Charlotte, North Carolina, USA) ,  Wallace, Terry (Carolinas Medical Center (GA, PT, TW, HJN, FG), Charlotte, North Carolina, USA) ,  Bird, Richard (Presbyterian Hospital (PT, RB), Charlotte, North Carolina, USA) ,  Norton, H.James (Carolinas Medical Center (GA, PT, TW, HJN, FG), Charlotte, North Carolina, USA) ,  Greene, Frederick (Carolinas Medical Center (GA, PT, TW, HJN, FG), Charlotte, North Carolina, USA)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractBackground: Core biopsy findings of atypical ductal hyperplasia (ADH) underestimates the diagnosis of malignancy by 18% to 88%. Using the Mammotome biopsy technique, more accurate assessment of the lesion is possible, making selective excision of these lesions a consideration.Methods: The re...

참고문헌 (18)

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