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[해외논문] An analytical model for the 3D-RESURF effect

Solid-state electronics, v.44 no.10, 2000년, pp.1753 - 1764  

Ng, R. (Corresponding author. Tel.: +44-1223-332766) ,  Udrea, F. (fax: +44-1223-332662) ,  Amaratunga, G. (Department of Engineering, Cambridge University, Cambridge CB2 1PZ, UK)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractThis paper presents an analytical model for the determination of the basic breakdown properties of three-dimensional (3D)-RESURF/CoolMOS/super junction type structures. To account for the two-dimensional (2D) effect of the 3D-RESURF action, 2D models of the electric field distribution are de...


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