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[해외논문] Modeling of debris avalanche and generated water waves: Application to real and potential events in Montserrat 원문보기

Physics and chemistry of the earth. Part A, Solid earth and geodesy, v.25 no.9/11, 2000년, pp.741 - 745  

Mangeney, A (Correspondance to: A. Mangeney.) ,  Heinrich, P.H (Laboratoire de Dé) ,  Roche, R (tection et de Gé) ,  Boudon, G (ophysique, Commissariat à) ,  Cheminée, J.L (l'Energie Atomique B.P. 12, 91680 Bruyè)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractTsunamis generated by a sudden entry of debris avalanches into the sea have caused some of the worst natural disasters in historic times. The evolution of the Soufrière Hill volcano's activity in Montserrat, Lesser Antilles, could lead to a dome collapse generating a tsunami. Two scen...

참고문헌 (17)

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