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[해외논문] On the charge factors of the simple overlap model for the ligand field in lanthanide coordination compounds

Chemical physics letters, v.331 no.5/6, 2000년, pp.519 - 525  

Albuquerque, Rodrigo Q. (Departamento de Quı́) ,  Rocha, Gerd B. (mica Fundamental, CCEN, UFPE, Cidade Universitá) ,  Malta, Oscar L. (ria, 50670-901 Recife, PE, Brazil) ,  Porcher, Pierre (Departamento de Quı́)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractIn this Letter, we propose a semi-empirical procedure through which the charge factors, appearing in the simple overlap model (SOM) for the ligand field in lanthanide compounds, can be obtained. The idea is based on the concept of bond valence and bond strength introduced by Pauling in the 1...

참고문헌 (17)

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