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[해외논문] A C-glucosylflavone from leaves of Piper lhotzkyanum

Phytochemistry, v.55 no.7, 2000년, pp.783 - 786  

Moreira, Davyson de L (Nú) ,  Guimarães, Elsie F (cleo de Pesquisas de Produtos Naturais, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, CEP:21941-590, Brazil) ,  Kaplan, Maria Auxiliadora C (Botâ)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractThe dichloromethane fraction obtained from the methanolic extract of leaves of P. lhotzkyanum afforded a C-glucosylflavone (kaplanin) together with sakuranetin, methyl 4-methoxydihydroferulate and a mixture of methyl ferulate and dihydroferulate derivatives. Spectrometric methods were used t...


참고문헌 (12)

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