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[해외논문] Wavelength-dependent switching of the photocurrent direction at the surface of molecular semiconductor electrodes based on orbital-confined excitation and transfer of charge carriers from higher excited states

Electrochimica acta, v.45 no.28, 2000년, pp.4697 - 4704  

Schlettwein, D (Institute of Applied and Physical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, University of Bremen, PO Box 33 04 40, D-28334 Bremen, Germany) ,  Karmann, E (Institute of Applied and Physical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, University of Bremen, PO Box 33 04 40, D-28334 Bremen, Germany) ,  Oekermann, T (Institute of Applied and Physical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, University of Bremen, PO Box 33 04 40, D-28334 Bremen, Germany) ,  Yanagi, H (Faculty of Engineering, Kobe University, Rokkodai, Nada-ku, Kobe 657-8501, Japan)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractPhotoelectrochemical experiments are performed at evaporated thin films of unsubstituted phthalocyanines (Pc) and derivatives with electronegative substituent groups in the ligand. Light absorption in the B-band leads to occupation of a higher excited singlet state S2 relative to the first e...


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