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[해외논문] Computation results of the TEAM workshop Problem 7 by finite element methods using tetrahedral and hexahedral elements

Journal of materials processing technology, v.108 no.2, 2001년, pp.237 - 240  

Tsuboi, Hajime (Corresponding author.) ,  Tanaka, Motoo (Department of Information Engineering, Fukuyama University, Gakuencho, Fukuyama 729-0292, Japan) ,  Ikeda, Kazumasa (Department of Information Engineering, Fukuyama University, Gakuencho, Fukuyama 729-0292, Japan) ,  Nishimura, Kentaro (Department of Information Engineering, Fukuyama University, Gakuencho, Fukuyama 729-0292, Japan)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractIn this paper, two types of finite element codes are applied to Problem 7 of TEAM workshop benchmark problems and the computation results are compared with the experimental results which were presented at the workshop. The computation model consists of an asymmetrical conductor with hole and...


참고문헌 (4)

  1. COMPEL Fujiwara 9 3 137 1990 10.1108/eb010071 Results for benchmark Problem 7 (Asymmetrical conductor with a hole) 

  2. M. Hano, Finite element method using edge elements, in: H. Tsuboi, T. Naito (Eds.), Fundamentals of Numerical Electromagnetic Field Analysis, Chapter 7, Yokendo, 1994 (in Japanese). 

  3. A. Kameari, Solution of asymmetric conductor with a hole by FEM using edge-elements, COMPEL 9 (Suppl. A) (1990) 230-232. 

  4. M. Hano, Solution of the problem of asymmetric conductor with a hole by finite element method using magnetic vector potential, COMPEL 9 (Suppl. A) (1990) 233-255. 

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