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[해외논문] Antibiotic resistance in Gram-positive cocci

International journal of antimicrobial agents, v.16 no.4, 2000년, pp.473 - 478  

Jeljaszewicz, J (National Institute of Hygiene, Medical University of Warsaw, 24 Chocimska, 00-791 Warsaw, Poland) ,  Mlynarczyk, G (Department of Medical Microbiology, Medical University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland) ,  Mlynarczyk, A (Department of Medical Microbiology, Medical University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractGram-positive cocci still predominate as a cause of nosocomial- and community-acquired infections. These organisms frequently reveal a high natural, intrinsic resistance to antimicrobials. Additionally, these bacteria are able to acquire resistance to frequently used drugs rapidly through se...


참고문헌 (42)

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