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[해외논문] Localization and rearrangement modulation of the N-terminal arm of the membrane-bound major coat protein of bacteriophage M13 원문보기

Biochimica et biophysica acta, Biomembranes, v.1509 no.1/2, 2000년, pp.311 - 323  

Spruijt, Ruud B (Corresponding author. Fax: +31-317-482725) ,  Meijer, Alexander B (Wageningen University and Research Center, Department of Biomolecular Sciences, Laboratory of Molecular Physics, Dreijenlaan 3, 6703 HA Wageningen, The Netherlands) ,  Wolfs, Cor J.A.M (Wageningen University and Research Center, Department of Biomolecular Sciences, Laboratory of Molecular Physics, Dreijenlaan 3, 6703 HA Wageningen, The Netherlands) ,  Hemminga, Marcus A (Wageningen University and Research Center, Department of Biomolecular Sciences, Laboratory of Molecular Physics, Dreijenlaan 3, 6703 HA Wageningen, The Netherlands)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractDuring infection the major coat protein of the filamentous bacteriophage M13 is in the cytoplasmic membrane of the host Escherichia coli. This study focuses on the configurational properties of the N-terminal part of the coat protein in the membrane-bound state. For this purpose X-Cys substi...


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