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[해외논문] The large time behaviour in a model for concentration fluctuations in turbulent dispersion

Atmospheric environment, v.35 no.5, 2001년, pp.833 - 844  

Mole, Nils (Corresponding author)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractA model for concentration fluctuation moments has previously been developed for a scalar dispersing in a turbulent flow (see Mole et al., 1997). This model assumes that the mean concentration is known as a function of space, and of time t, and that higher moments of concentration for a dispe...


참고문헌 (13)

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  11. Sawford, B.L., Tivendale, C.M., 1992. Measurements of concentration statistics downstream of a line source in grid turbulence. In: Proceedings of 11th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Hobart, 14-18 December 1992, University of Tasmania, pp. 945-948. 

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