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NTIS 바로가기Journal of midwifery & women's health, v.45 no.6, 2000년, pp.517 - 521
King, Tekoa , Summers, Lisa , Williams, Deanne
AbstractAs the oldest professional midwifery organization in the United States, The American College of Nurse Midwives (ACNM) represents the profession of midwifery in the United States and sets standards for education, certification, and practice. The ACNM has generated and revised several critical...
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American College of Nurse‐Midwives. Available at:http:www.acnm.org.
Adv Prac Nurs Q Williams DR 63 4 3 1998 Core competency‐based education, certification, and practice: the nurse‐midwifery model
EDUCATIONCOMMITTEE,, AMERICANCOLLEGEOFNURSEMIDWIVES,. Core competencies in nurse-midwifery expected outcomes of nurse-midwifery education. Journal of nurse-midwifery, vol.24, no.1, 32-36.
Roberts, Joyce, Sedler, Kay. The core competencies for basic midwifery practice critical ACNM document revised. Journal of nurse-midwifery, vol.42, no.5, 371-372.
Avery, Melissa D. Diabetes in pregnancy: the midwifery role in management. Journal of midwifery & women's health, vol.45, no.6, 472-480.
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