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[해외논문] Plasma effects of fluorine implantation on As+-doped polycrystalline silicon thin films of various thicknesses

Thin solid films, v.379 no.1/2, 2000년, pp.213 - 217  

Liou, Bor Wen (Department of Electrical Engineering, Wu-Feng Institute of Technology, Chiayi, Taiwan, PR China) ,  Lee, Chung Len (Department of Electronics Engineering and Institute of Electronics, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, PR China)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractThis work studied plasma effects on the resistivity, effective free carrier concentration, and mobility of As+-doped, F-implanted polycrystalline silicon (polysilicon) thin films of various thicknesses. It was found that the resistivity of the polysilicon thin film increases with the decreas...


참고문헌 (22)

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