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[해외논문] Laparoscopic Assessment of the Sentinel Lymph Node in Early Stage Cervical Cancer

Gynecologic oncology, v.79 no.3, 2000년, pp.411 - 415  

Dargent, D. (Clinique Gyné) ,  Martin, X. (cologique, Université) ,  Mathevet, P. (Claude Bernard, 69437, Lyon, France)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract Objective. The aim of this study was to describe a minimally invasive technique enabling us to identify the sentinel lymph node in patients affected by early stage cervical cancer and to report the preliminary data. Method. Patent Blue Violet was injected around the tumor. Laparoscopy wa...


참고문헌 (7)

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  2. Urol Clin North Am Cabanas 19 267 1992 10.1016/S0094-0143(21)00389-X Anatomy and biopsy of sentinel lymph nodes 

  3. Ann Surg Oncol Linehan 6 450 1999 10.1007/s10434-999-0450-4 Intradermal radiocolloid and intraparenchymal blue dye injection optimize sentinel node identification in breast cancer patients 

  4. Lancet Veronesi 349 1864 1997 10.1016/S0140-6736(97)01004-0 Sentinel-node biopsy to avoid axillary dissection in breast cancer with clinically negative lymph-nodes 

  5. Obstet Gynecol Levenback 84 163 1994 Intraoperative lymphatic mapping for vulvar cancer 

  6. Gynecol Oncol O'Boyle 74 322 1999 Intraoperative lymphatic mapping with isosulfan blue dye in patients undergoing radical hysterectomy: a pilot study 

  7. Rev. Chir. Leveuf 219 1923 Les lymphatiques de l'uterus 

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