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[해외논문] Coexistent Choriocarcinoma and Malignant Mixed Mesodermal Tumor of the Uterus

Gynecologic oncology, v.79 no.3, 2000년, pp.499 - 503  

Nguyen, Christine P. (Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland, 21287) ,  Levi, Angelique W. (Department of Pathology, The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland, 21287) ,  Montz, F.J. (Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland, 21287) ,  Bristow, Robert E. (Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland, 21287)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract Objective. The purpose of this article is to report a case of coexisting uterine choriocarcinoma and uterine malignant mixed mesodermal tumor (MMMT). The relevant literature is reviewed and possible pathogenesis discussed. Methods. The clinical course and histopathology of the case were ...

참고문헌 (10)

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  9. Carnegie Inst Washington Contrib Embryol Witschi 32 67 1948 Migration of the germs cells of human embryos from the yolk sac to the primitive gonadal folds 

  10. Moore, K, L, The beginning of human development, in, Moore, K, L, (ed), The Developing Human, Philadelphia, PA, Saunders, 1988, pp, 13, - 35 

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