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[해외논문] Some orthogonal expansions for the logistic distribution

Communications in statistics. theory and methods, v.29 no.12, 2000년, pp.2643 - 2663  

Cuadras, Caries M. (Departament d'Estadistica, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain) ,  Lahlou, Younes (Departament d'Estadistica, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

We expand a continuous random variable as a sum of a sequence of un-correlated random variables. These variables are principal components of a Bernoulli process, as well as principal dimensions in continuous metric scaling on a particular distance function. We obtain expansions for the uniform, exp...


참고문헌 (22)

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  7. Cuadras, C.M., Atkinson, R.A., Fortiana, J.. Probability densities from distances and discrimination. Statistics & probability letters, vol.33, no.4, 405-411.

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  10. Cuadras, C.M., Fortiana, J.. A Continuous Metric Scaling Solution for a Random Variable. Journal of multivariate analysis, vol.52, no.1, 1-14.

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  13. Cuadras, C.M., Fortiana, J., Oliva, F.. The Proximity of an Individual to a Population with Applications in Discriminant Analysis. Journal of classification, vol.14, no.1, 117-136.

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  16. Fortiana, J., Cuadras, C.M.. A family of matrices, the discretized brownian bridge, and distance-based regression. Linear algebra and its applications, vol.264, no.1, 173-188.

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  22. Stephens, M. A.. Tests of Fit for the Logistic Distribution Based on the Empirical Distribution Function. Biometrika, vol.66, no.3, 591-595.

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