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NTIS 바로가기Communications in statistics. theory and methods, v.29 no.12, 2000년, pp.2915 - 2919
Monlezun, Charles J. (Department of Experimental Statistics, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA)
When all factors are quantitative, cell means may be expressed as a polynomial function of products of powers of the associated quantitative classification variables. Existence and uniqueness of this polynomial is established for unbalanced data with unequal spacing for no missing cells. The relati...
Analysis of Messy Data Miiliken George A. 1 1984
Monlezun, Charles J.. Fitting polynomials to main effects in multi factor experiments: unequal spacing and unbalanced data with no missing cells. Communications in statistics. theory and methods, vol.28, no.12, 2899-2916.
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