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[해외논문] Controlling Police Decisions to Use Deadly Force: Reexamining the Importance of Administrative Policy

Crime and delinquency, v.47 no.1, 2001년, pp.131 - 151  

White, Michael D.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Prior research has sought to identify appropriate mechanisms that can effectively control police officers' decisions to use deadly force. Using data from Philadelphia for a period of more than two decades, this article employs interrupted time series analysis (ARIMA) to examine the impact of two ch...

참고문헌 (24)

  1. American bar association survey of the administration of justice American Bar Association 

  2. The practice of social research Babbie, E. 

  3. The functions of the police in modern society Bittner, E. 

  4. Critical issues in policing Blumberg, M. 442 

  5. The Police Chief Chapman, S. G. 16 

  6. Discretionary justice: A preliminary inquiry Davis, K. C. 

  7. Fyfe, J.J.. Administrative interventions on police shooting discretion: An empirical examination. Journal of criminal justice, vol.7, no.4, 309-323.

  8. Philadelphia police shootings, 1975-78: A system model analysis Fyfe, J. J. 

  9. Contemporary issues in law enforcement Fyfe, J. J. 

  10. Controversial issues in crime and justice Fyfe, J. J. 

  11. Fyfe, James. Police use of deadly force: Research and reform. Justice quarterly : JQ, vol.5, no.2, 165-205.

  12. Discharge of firearms policy: Effecting justice through administrative regulation Gain, C. 

  13. Deadly force: What we know Geller, W. 

  14. Decision making in criminal justice Gottfredson, M. R. 10.1007/978-1-4757-9954-5 

  15. The Philadelphia Inquirer 1 


  17. Applied time series analysis for the social sciences McCleary, R. 

  18. Politics and plea bargaining McCoy, C. 

  19. Series: Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences Interrupted time series analysis McDowall, D. 

  20. Report of the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders 

  21. Task force report: The police President's Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice 

  22. Reiss JR, Albert J.. Controlling Police Use of Deadly Force. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, vol.452, no.1, 122-134.

  23. Police practices and civil rights hearing held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Volume 1, Testimony United States Civil Rights Commission 

  24. Training the system-The control of discretion in criminal justice, 1950-1990 Walker, S. 

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