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[해외논문] Disc Lesions and the Mechanics of the Intervertebral Joint Complex

Spine, v.25 no.23, 2000년, pp.3026 - 3035  

Thompson, Rosemary E. (From the Centre for Rehabilitation Science and Engineering, School of Mechanical, Manufacturing and Medical Engineering, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia, the Royal Adelaide Hospital, the Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science, and the University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia.) ,  Pearcy, Mark J. ,  Downing, Kristian J. W. ,  Manthey, Beverley A. ,  Parkinson, Ian H. ,  Fazzalari, Nicola L.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

STUDY DESIGN: Correlations between tears in the disc and the mechanics of both the intervertebral joint and vertebral body bone were analyzed. OBJECTIVES: To examine the effect of disc degeneration on the mechanics of spinal motion segments. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: Degeneration of the interverte...

참고문헌 (17)

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