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[해외논문] Surgical management of complications after transcatheter closure of an atrial septal defect or patent foramen ovale 원문보기

The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery, v.120 no.6, 2000년, pp.1034 - 1039  

Berdat, Pascal A. (From the Swiss Cardiovascular Center Berna and the Division of Pediatric Cardiology,b University Hospital, Bern, Switzerland) ,  Chatterjee, Tushar (From the Swiss Cardiovascular Center Berna and the Division of Pediatric Cardiology,b University Hospital, Bern, Switzerland) ,  Pfammatter, Jean-Pierre (From the Swiss Cardiovascular Center Berna and the Division of Pediatric Cardiology,b University Hospital, Bern, Switzerland) ,  Windecker, Stefan (From the Swiss Cardiovascular Center Berna and the Division of Pediatric Cardiology,b University Hospital, Bern, Switzerland) ,  Meier, Bernhard (From the Swiss Cardiovascular Center Berna and the Division of Pediatric Cardiology,b University Hospital, Bern, Switzerland) ,  Carrel, Thierry (From the Swiss Cardiovascular Center Berna and the Division of Pediatric Cardiology,b University Hospital, Bern, Switzerland)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractObjective: During recent years, transcatheter closure has become an alternative to operations for the treatment of atrial septal defects and patent foramen ovale. However, this procedure may be unsuccessful or complicated and requires surgical treatment. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed ...

참고문헌 (28)

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