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[해외논문] Home‐based care of the terminally ill in Botswana: knowledge and perceptions

International nursing review : official journal of the International Council of Nurses, v.47 no.4, 2000년, pp.218 - 223  

Ndaba‐Mbata, R. D. ,  Seloilwe, E. S.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractKnowledge deficit is a common factor among caregivers in the home, despite efforts initiated to disseminate information on home care. Many districts in Botswana are just beginning to initiate a more structured home‐based programme, including counselling, pastoral care and training, to...

참고문헌 (14)

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  3. Botswana HIV/AIDS Medium Term Plan II 1997-2002.Botswana Government Printer: Gabarone. 

  4. The Needs of Families Caring for Dependent Adult Family Member. Mogorosi G. 1994 

  5. Central Medical Statistics(1996)Botswana Government Printer: Gaborone. 

  6. Nursing Research Derdarian A. 266 35 1986 Informational Needs of Recently Diagnosed Cancer Patients. 

  7. International Nursing Review Holzemer W. 83 39 1992 Linking Primary Health Care and Self‐Care Through Use of Case Management. 

  8. Nursing Research LaMontagrue M. 141 45 1987 10.1097/00006199-199605000-00004 Children's Coping and Its Effects on Postoperative Anxiety and Return to Normal. 

  9. Journal of Nursing Quality Assurance Lang N. 7 5 1991 The Policy and Politics of Patient Care Outcomes. 

  10. Journal of Health and Social Behaviour Lazarus R. 219 211 1980 An Analysis of Coping in a Middle Aged Community Sample. 

  11. National Conference on HIV/AIDS, August 6-9 1997 Makhema P. 1997 

  12. After Care Services for Persons with Long Term Mental Illness Living in the Community: a Case Study of Gaborone Mantswe M. 1994 

  13. Family Psychiatric Caregiving in Botswana; Experiences, Demands and Social Support. Seloilwe E.S. 1997 

  14. Qualitative Sociology Stauss A. 3 13 1990 10.1007/BF00988593 Grounded Theory Research: Procedures, Canons, and Evaluative Criteria 

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