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The journal of hand surgery : journal of the British Society for Surgery of the Hand, v.25 no.6, 2000년, pp.548 - 551  


Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

We have compared the effect of locking and grasping suture loop configurations in four-strand core suture techniques for tendon repair. Forty canine flexor digitorum profundus tendons were repaired with one of four suture techniques (the grasping cruciate, the double-modified grasping Kessler, the l...

참고문헌 (22)

  1. Aoki, M., Pruitt, D.L., Kubota, H., Manske, P.R.. Effect of suture knots on tensile strength of repaired canine flexor tendons. The journal of hand surgery : journal of the British Society for Surgery of the Hand, vol.20, no.1, 72-75.

  2. Aoki, Mitsuhiro, Kubota, Hideaki, Pruitt, Donald L., Manske, Paul R.. Biomechanical and histologic characteristics of canine flexor tendon repair using early postoperative mobilization. The Journal of hand surgery : (American Volume), vol.22, no.1, 107-114.

  3. BAINBRIDGE, L. C., ROBERTSON, C., GILLIES, D., ELLIOT, D.. A Comparison of Post-Operative Mobilization of Flexor Tendon Repairs with “Passive Flexion-Active Extension” and “Controlled Active Motion” Techniques. The journal of hand surgery : journal of the British Society for Surgery of the Hand, vol.19, no.4, 517-521.

  4. Gelberman, R.H., Woo, S.L.Y., Amiel, D., Horibe, S., Lee, D.. Influences of flexor sheath continuity and early motion on tendon healing in dogs. The Journal of hand surgery : (American Volume), vol.15, no.1, 69-77.

  5. 10.1053/jhsu.1999.0407 

  6. Hitchcock, T.F., Light, T.R., Bunch, W.H., Knight, G.W., Sartori, M.J., Patwardhan, A.G., Hollyfield, R.L.. The effect of immediate constrained digital motion on the strength of flexor tendon repairs in chickens. The Journal of hand surgery : (American Volume), vol.12, no.4, 590-595.

  7. Hotokezaka, Shunsuke, Manske, Paul R.. Differences between locking loops and grasping loops: Effects on 2-strand core suture. The Journal of hand surgery : (American Volume), vol.22, no.6, 995-1003.

  8. Kubota, Hideaki, Manske, Paul R., Aoki, Mitsuhiro, Pruitt, Donald L., Larson, Brian J.. Effect of motion and tension on injured flexor tendons in chickens. The Journal of hand surgery : (American Volume), vol.21, no.3, 456-463.

  9. Kubota, Hideaki, Miyanishi, Keita, Hoshino, Shushi, Hatanaka, Hitoshi, Iwamoto, Yukihide. EFFECT OF A NEW REPAIR TECHNIQUE ON BIOMECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF CANINE FLEXOR TENDONS - IN VITRO STUDY. Hand surgery : an international journal devoted to hand and upper limb surgery and related research : journal of the Asia-Pacific Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand, vol.3, no.2, 247-255.

  10. Lee, H.. Double loop locking suture: A technique of tendon repair for early active mobilization Part I: Evolution of technique and experimental study. The Journal of hand surgery : (American Volume), vol.15, no.6, 945-952.

  11. Lee, H.. Double loop locking suture: A technique of tendon repair for early active mobilization Part II: Clinical experience. The Journal of hand surgery : (American Volume), vol.15, no.6, 953-958.

  12. 10.1053/jhsu.1999.0334 

  13. Papandrea, Rick, Seitz Jr., William H., Shapiro Jr., Paul, Borden Jr., Brian. Biomechanical and clinical evaluation of the epitenon-first technique of flexor tendon repair. The Journal of hand surgery : (American Volume), vol.20, no.2, 261-266.

  14. Pennington, David G., Pennington, David G.. The Locking Loop Tendon Suture :. Plastic and reconstructive surgery, vol.63, no.5, 648-652.

  15. Sanders, David W., Milne, Andrew D., Dobravec, Anthony, MacDermid, Joy, Johnson, James A., King, Graham J.W.. Cyclic testing of flexor tendon repairs: An in vitro biomechanical study. The Journal of hand surgery : (American Volume), vol.22, no.6, 1004-1010.

  16. SAVAGE, ROBERT. In Vitro Studies of a New Method of Flexor Tendon Repair. The journal of hand surgery : journal of the British Society for Surgery of the Hand, vol.10, no.2, 135-141.

  17. SAVAGE, R., RISITANO, G.. Flexor Tendon Repair Using a “Six Strand” Method of Repair and Early Active Mobilisation. The journal of hand surgery : journal of the British Society for Surgery of the Hand, vol.14, no.4, 396-399.

  18. Shaieb, M.D., Singer, D.I.. Tensile strengths of various suture techniques. The journal of hand surgery : journal of the British Society for Surgery of the Hand, vol.22, no.6, 764-767.

  19. Silfverskiold, K.L., May, E.J.. Flexor tendon repair in zone II with a new suture technique and an early mobilization program combining passive and active flexion. The Journal of hand surgery : (American Volume), vol.19, no.1, 53-60.

  20. Strickland, James W.. Flexor Tendon Injuries: I. Foundations of Treatment :. Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, vol.3, no.1, 44-54.

  21. Strickland, James W.. Flexor Tendon Injuries: II. Operative Technique :. Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, vol.3, no.1, 55-62.

  22. Takai, Shinro, Woo, Savio L‐Y., Horibe, Shuji, Tung, David K‐L., Gelberman, Richard H.. The effects of frequency and duration of controlled passive mobilization on tendon healing. Journal of orthopaedic research : official publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society, vol.9, no.5, 705-713.

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